Well it’s the 18h of March. We are staying busy here as always. It has stopped raining and is getting warm again. Been in the 70’s during the day and mid 50’s at night. We have been driving through some pretty rough terrain. Most of the roads are just river beds and wadis that the locals use. Sometimes we lose the tracks after it rains or just in the couple of hours it takes us to cross an area. It gets kinda tricky sometimes, but our trucks were made for this type of place. Our drivers are good as well and can maneuver these big beasts like ballerinas when they need to. In the past two days, we have seen sheep and horses being born. It is insane. We will be driving along by some nomad herders and, POP, out comes a colt or a lamb. The only thing left now is to see a camel being born. If I see that, I will definitely take some pics. Thanks for all the love, support, and of course the packages. We are in an isolated area, so PX runs are limited. Each time we go out, we try to do what we call H-Aid drops. We get food, clothes, school supplies and what not and give it to little villages we come across. It is really nice to help out the people here. I can tell they are done with the 30+ years of war, and want to rebuild their country and make a decent living. Most people don’t like or want the Taliban or al-Qaeda here. The people have a different mentality then the Iraqi’s do.
The pictures above are of some of the areas that we go and patrol and try to do H-aid drops and do what we can to help some local schools. This school has over 2000 students and only 24 teachers. A lot of the rooms get water damage in them when it rains. They split the day into half and teach the little kids in the morning and older kids in the afternoon. Not much else to say except keep the love, support, and packages coming. Gold bond powder is great, as are q-tips, snacks, and magazines. Love and miss you all very much. Russ.
The children are beautiful. I like the kid with the sling shot around his neck and thumb up.
What you all are doing with the H-aid sounds wonerful. You are doing more good-will with this than wind-bag politicians. Just show them respect and dignity, I'm sure you are.
Dad and Barb
another comment.
It looked cold from the way the locals were dressed when you were driving through their village.
Glad your drivers can handle their rigs in such a manner.
Sounds like something I need for the places Barb and I have been to. Where can I get one?
Take care and keep an eye out.
Dad and Barb
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