MP's hard at work

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Avacados, and painful rain...

So, we were at a bigger FOB for some re-supply and they had lots of good looking avocados out. So, not getting such exotic stuff like that all time, a few of us indulged ourselves. I got about 11 of them, and thankfully they were not quite ripe yet. I have made some avocado and toast, guacamole, and it is so good. It is amazing how much you forget some of the conveniences of fresh produce, and 24 hours supermarkets. I know that it seems kinda weird to be all excited for some fresh produce, but it is a treat for us. So, anyway we got caught in a huge rainstorm as well. It just opened up in a matter of a couple minutes and was crazy. It hurt it was raining so bad. It is starting to cool off here now. That is a good thing. Also, Ramadan has started. That is the Muslim holiday that lasts for a month, where they can not eat or drink during the day. My terp gets up at like 0330 in the morning so he can eat and drink before morning prayer. Then he can not eat or drink until evening prayer around 1800. We try our best not to eat or drink in front of our terps or the ANP we work with, so as to show them respect. Well, I am way over due on posting this so I will get it going. Later...

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