MP's hard at work

Monday, July 30, 2007

cool breeze in a chopper

Well, the other day I got to go for a little ride in a blackhawk. It was a nice change of pace from my truck. It also provided a nice 'big picture' prospective of my areas that I work in. Here are a couple of nice pictures of some of the area that we flew over. As you can see, even in the heat of summer, there are still some nice green area that get water. It was a very beautiful flight, as we passed over all kinds of terrain from valleys, to desert plains, to mountains. I saw some very remote villages, only accessible by foot. It is amazing that people still live like this. It is quite the eye opener from malls, Internet, cell phones, and instant everything in the states. There are people here who still use donkeys as transportation, dig wells for water, and grow everything the eat. They also build their own houses out of a mud rock mix, which is quite strong. Anyway, while i was up in the chopper, I could not help but think about skydiving again. Just something about it that hooks you. Maybe its the feeling of racing towards earth at over 100mph with just a piece of nylon on your back to keep you safe. Well, I gotta go for now. Always busy here, but I will post another entry very soon and show off a new friend at one of the stations. Russ.


DadnBarb said...

What a beautiful valley. Are there any fish in the river?
Yes, there are folks still living that way on this big ole earth. In some ways I wouldn't mind it. We are growing more and more of our own food, expanding the garden, harvesting more rain water, up to 2120 gallons now. Nothing like eating fresh food and blueberries right from the ground/tree in just a few minutes of harvesting/gathering.It keeps me busy. And oh yes, cutting, splitteing and stacking firewood too. Its what I enjoy!
Keep the photos coming and take care.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

cool video